Unfortunately in my opinion, the instructions for the MK4 are much like Bill's profile folder. In need of some organisation. :) I have now spent 2 full days and nights sifting through videos of MK2 and MK3's. Assembly, great, much the same on all of them. I achieved this in maybe two hours. Nothing else seems to be relevant to the MK4.
Would it be too much to ask, for a dedicated instruction manual for the MK4?
MK4 GCode Generator? Not really! filament change Gcode generator, maybe.
It seems to me, this will not run without a custom start Gcode and End Gcode. Where is the generator for these?
I chose this system, as I have a Creallity K1 and Bill has a video of it working on the same machine. He also offers a profile for it. Hmmm, no instruction explaining what to do with the profile. In fact, to me it looks like a 3mf model of a coaster. I import it in to Bambu studio and yep, that is exactly what it is. How do I get the profile from it?
Will it also be possible to have a text box in the generator for the other axis. My fist attempt at using the generator, I selected the Y axis with a position of 220. All good but when running the Gcode for the first time, it missed with the X axis, then ripped the switch out.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I think we are going to have to do documentation ourselves, Bill has been made aware many times that the documentation is lacking heavily.
The profile model is a model of the 3DChameleon logo. If you import it into PrusaSlicer and select import as project or import config, it will import its configuration. Not sure how to do it for BambuStudio, though.
The K1 has a profile already made for it. Just follow the instructions in the K1 PDF file and download the premade profile.