I know this isn't completely 3D Chameleon, but it is necessary to get mine working.
I'm trying to write the gcode to use my 3D UnderClippy, referencing the profile included with the 3DClippy. The part of the code that just won't work is as follows:
G0 X235; move to cut position
G91; set to relative mode
M92 X8 ; Set X steps to 1/10th (high torque)
G92 X0 ; Set X to 0
; cut off filament tip
G0 X300 F10000 ; Cut the filament quickly
G0 X-300 F10000 ; Move X back to position
G90; back to absolute mode
; set X back to normal
M92 X80 ; Restore X steps
G92 X235 ; Restore X position
Now, my problem is that any movement of X after this cannot be moved below 230. M211 reports:
Min: X235.00 Y-30.00 Z0.00 Max: X495.00 Y240.00 Z230.00
How do I set X's minimum back to 0?
I think the easiest thing would be to home the X axis. Once you've restored the correct stepper values, it should have no issue with that, but I have no idea how the X Min is getting set, it's not any of that GCode.
G28 X; Rehome X Axis