Is it possible to upgrade from a Mk3 to an Mk4 3D Chameleon? I cannot find a single location with step by step instructions on how to upgrade 3D Chameleon Mk3 to a Mk4.
If so can someone link the resource with the step by step instructions? Also are the Mk4 models available to download? I need to reprint my Mk3 completely since the printed files are in bad shape.
Additive Atom
3D Chameleon models on tinkercad and printables:
2. 3Dc forum post on how to update firmware with mk4 firmware zip for download:
3. Excellent YT video on how to update firmware. :
4. 3Dc forum posts on how to update bootloader:
When updating firmware make sure you are using the legacy version of Arduino IDE since that is the version that can use avrdude.
Download the mk4 firmware. For most cases you will want to use the file named "SelectorFirmwareMk4.ino.hex"
Watch the whole youtube video first to get familiar with the process.
Follow the Youtube video (point 3) up to avrdude commands then reference the forum (point 4 above.) to update bootloader. Then you can continue the youtube video.