Hello Team, I designed a hardware-free and easy-to-install mount for the switch but now I’m struggling with the g-code to support it. Using the 3DCameleon recommended P1P profile for Bambu Slicer (from Printables) I end up in this situation where the carriage is pressing the button but then it moves in the Y-axis to move away from the switch. I tried a bunch of X-Axis offsets but they all keep the carriage at the front of the printer (near door). Can you help me with this? I plan to release this simple and sturdy mount and my ideal install for P1S as soon as I can get this last part of the slicer’s gcode nailed down. Maybe I simply need better instructions for using the online gcode generator? It takes me 19 seconds to unload filament from the nozzle past the y-junctions. Thanks in advance!
So, the default profile moves on the Y axis... but it positions the extruder on the X and the Y axis.
What you need to do is to swap the X and Y values in the Start, End and Tool Change gcode on the G0 commands.
The holding position and in button press moves. They're moving in the Y axis only... you need to change it to the X axis for your particular button holder. See below... the G1 Y200 is moving to a holding location of the switch and the lines below it move to press it. The last line moves back off the button. In them, you notice that it is only moving on the Y axis (while maintaining the X-1 position.) You need to change these... maintain a Y axis location (say 240 or wherever you place button) and shift so that it holds 3mm away from the switch (like X2) and moves on the X axis to X-1 to engage the button, and then backs back off of it to X2 to unpress the button.
; safely move to waiting position switch
G1 Y200
G1 X-1
G1 Y240
G1 Y250 F2000 ; press button ...
; back off button
G1 Y240 F21000
So, it might look like: ; safely move to waiting position switch
G1 X2
G1 Y240 ; adjust this to the Y axis position of the button
G1 X-1 F2000 ; press button...
; back off button
G1 X2 F21000
Note, you'll need to change this anywhere it is being used, start gcode, end gcode and the color change gcode. There are several places where the button gets pressed.