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Forum Posts

Aug 15, 2023
In Support
So generally my setup works. My tip forming works - minimal stringing and no bulging. However, during prints it doesn't consistently feed or unfeed through the Y-adapter. It seems to get hung up in the adapter which prevents the next filament from entering the extruder, or it gets hung up while trying to feed the filament to the extruder. I've pulled the filament when it happens to check the tip and it looks fine - it should have been able to feed. Is there anything I can do to help this? It's stopping me from trusting it when doing a multi-color print. I'm running on an Ender 5, direct drive, Phaetus all metal hot end, with klipper (see my post in getting started about Klipper). Norm
Jul 27, 2023
In Getting Started
Good afternoon everyone! Received my mk3 earlier this week. I have an Ender 5 with klipper, with an SKR E3 mini, v2. This is be important in a moment. I have removed the direct drive I had on the system, in favour of using the mk3 in direct mode to drive the printer. I have written the macros for T0 through T3. Set the mk3 into direct mode (hold button for 10 pulses, then release). I am getting a single pulse returned, so mode 1. I have the drive motor connected to my SKR board so it can act as the extruder. I can extrude filament up to the y adapter and then it seems to not have enough power to go any further. The macros seem to work but again, the motor seems to lack power to move the filament. The SKR board is using the TMC 2209 driver. I force it into spreadCycle mode, which apparently provides more torque to it. I've also updated the run current pretty high to 1.75 and it still struggles - it can move the filament with a 'nudge' but I would expect it to be much stronger? I also moved the tube for T0 to another connection on the Y adapter to see if it was an issue within there but it made no difference. Any thoughts on how I can make this work better? My goal is to built the macros in Klipper to change the filaments so the code is not needed in the slicer. Turning on multiple extruders should be all that is needed. I have a lot of experience with 3d printing, klipper etc., so I'm a bit baffled why the issue.


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