How do I home the printer's X axis if that will cut the filament?
I think I just had a ligthbulb go off over my head while typing this question! I need to always retract the filament out of the head FIRST, then home right? I think maybe I was overthinking it? I've adjusted my klipper config to home to the right and tweaked my bedsize to try to keep from hitting the cutter lever. Still not sure how best to prevent prints from being placed too close to the left edge and triggering the cutter during a print though. Is there a way to leave the build place size alone but mark the fist 20mm off limits or something?
Sorry for all the newbie questions.
Homing the X axis doesn't change... our software is set up to load the filament after homing. You can adjust the homing position using an G92 command to clear the left side if you want... just offset the X axis by the amount desired. For example, if homing on your printer sets the X axis to 0, you and you want to avoid the left 20mm, then you can immediately set the X axis to -20, which will shift all your prints right by 20mm. To do that, look for the G28 command and right after, issue the G92 X-20 command, which will tell the printer that it's not at 0, but actually at -20. Now, with that said, your tool change gcode would need to be updated as well to include that offset... for example, the cutting location would need to also be shifted by that -20 amount.
I've found it's just a lot easier to avoid that left edge.