I'm still struggling to get my 3D Chameleon to operate properly. Yesterday, I decided to start over configuring PrusaSlicer, closely following the Chris's Basement video 3D Chameleon - Part 3 - Your First Print. In it, he instructed me to create a script to measure the feed speed of the 3D Chameleon. His results were 34.5mm per second. My results, on the other hand came out to only 17mm per second! Is there a method to improve the speed of the 3D Chameleon feed?
If his numbers are right in that video the feed rate should be ~F2070 to match the Chameleon. I've been using F2040 on mine and it seems to load more smoothly now. I'd confirm your speed, and then base your number on that. Take your mm per second speed and multiply it by 60 to get your F speed (mm per minute)
Not on the Mk3... but our new Mk4 firmware will have a fix for that. However, I'd question that number... make sure your tension is set correctly and that it isn't slipping... Confirm that it does it equally on all 4 extruders and that it does it in both directions. If there is any variation between any of them by more than 5mm, then something is wrong. Bill