Hi there,
I have ordered the 3D Chameleon for my Creality Ender 3 v2.
Very excited as it should be arriving today.
I have watched a lot of the you tube videos that are very good.
I am confused however as to if I should use the 3D Clippy or the Coupler with the narrow bore tubing as shown in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtBYxefDwPc&list=PLs1jpNL7rg7_w_ufJVqMZ4nUdiA1cg38_&index=9
I would like to use the coupler and narrow bore instead of the 3D clippy as it seems to simplify the set up a lot and I would not need a special mount to inclide the 3D Clippy and my BLTouch.
What are your thoughts?
Thank You
EDIT: I thought you were talking about the PTFE coupler on the extruder itself. In the Ender 3 V2, you don't need the connector shown in that video. But, my thoughts on the extruder still hold true.
Watch our installation video... I describe it there... your printer is 100% identical in that regard. Just use our PTFE coupler under your existing extruder... and also heed my warning about Creality's stock extruders... it's not if they break... it's just a matter of when. It's a horribly weak design and will fail. I recommend swapping them with BMG clone extruders... with PTFE couplers already built into them, they work wonderfully and you don't need to add the connector.