Update: I've updated the Printables project to Version 2. I've made a number of improvements and also supplied sample gcode to use it.
I've. been working on this for a couple of weeks. My idea was to locate the clippy under the extruder and above the hot-end. This would require shaping of the filament before retracting into the heatsync. Then cutting and extracting the old filiment before loading the new filament to push out the remaning piece of the old filiment. This design allows positioning the lever to any corner without obstructions. It uses 3mm x 10 springs to manage the plunger. I have printed and tested this, but haven't figured out a triggering lever for it yet.
Update: I've added photos of the prototype at the bottom.
Orbiter Version installed:
Top view:
Internal mechanism (top view):
Bottom view:
Internal mechanism (bottom view):
Because of my current setup, I could only place the lever on the left front. I'm in the process of printing new mounting to allow the lever to be at the rear-right for easier configuration.
UPDATE! I have published the design on Printables! Let me know if you build your own!
I've made progress on the UnderClippy. I now have a lever that works when the gantry is advanced to X260!
My tests show that with my Orbiter extruder, The filiment gets cut 25mm from the extruder gear. It's 90mm to the nozzle. I figure if the filament is extracted 50mm before cutting, there should only be about 15mm of wasted filament.
Now I need to devise a script to shape the tip, extract and cut.