Hi Bill sorry if I'm spamming the forum a bit. I'm going through the set-up process and I was thinking it might be a cool to have some gcode that just runs the tip shaping routine to fine tune that process without running the entire test. I'm not gcode fluent but I guess I could pull out the tip shaping part and run it independently. From your experience do you think that would work?
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Yes... definitely it's the best way. The Tip Shaping code is specifically called out in the tool change gcode so you can do exactly that.
Breaking it down step by step and making each one does exactly what you think is always the way to go with GCode. It easily allows you do discover the parts that are failing.
I really wish there was a feature in firmware that allowed you a "SINGLE STEP" an instruction like we used to do on old computers.
I've done this with just about every adjustment necessary, I find it easier to just deal with one adjustment at a time. To test the tip shaping, one simply needs to heat the hot-end to temperature, pause to add the filament, feed the filiament all the way, follow the retraction and filament shaping code, then finally extract it to check. and make adjustments to the code before running it again.