Hi, this will be my first time building this kit and I was wondering if anyone with experience can confirm that I have all the parts right. I will provide links as well as screenshots to which products I have found, I live in Norway so the easiest way to purchase these for me is Aliexpress.










As far as I understand I will also need a Adruino Nano and a Cnc Shield V4 to replace the chameleon kit. If anyone can confirm this as well, please.
Large and small zipties I can get from my local hardware store and Black PTFE Connectors are included in the white tubing bundle. If anyone can confirm this list, that would be absolutely fantastic as I am eager to get started.
My bad, forgot to list the springs. All right, awesome. I have a Cr10-SE and a Kobra plus 2 and haven't yet decided which one of these I would upgrade first. I'm actually talking to Danielz.Crapp on a different post about buying a preprogrammed board. Thank you for a detailed answer!
You are also missing the springs, but there are other posts on how to source those. I recomend you watch the video series by chris riley.
What printer do you have? If you have one that is not made of aluminum extrusions, then you will not need the t-nuts. I build my DIY chameleon out of only the required parts. Here you are missing one kind of bearing. There are also some things not on the BOM that will be quite helpful. Here are the main things you are missing:
1) MK8 Drive Gears. I bought mine here: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832717414075.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.2c07180293OLjR&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
(choose the mk8-b option)
2) 625RS Bearing. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806040038223.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.2c07180293OLjR&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
(get 3 sets, even though you only need 2 because they are very easy to lose)
3) CNC Shield v4 Mainboard. This is VERY important. Only get the one I have linked. The other "cloned" boards are 10 times cheaper but have many problems that need quite a bit of soldering to fix. I have fried too many arduinos trying to fix them. This one works out of the box: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832035811475.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.5.791f1ydb1ydbcU&algo_pvid=8d05ed47-b9f3-44cb-b637-24153fddb8f3&algo_exp_id=8d05ed47-b9f3-44cb-b637-24153fddb8f3-2&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2119.99%2117.99%21%21%2119.99%2117.99%21%402103205217384532080955054ef832%2155305829959%21sea%21US%216242698492%21X&curPageLogUid=mr751vzpEv4X&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
(this kit has everything you need, including the cable, stepper drivers, and Arduino)
4) OLED screen. This is optional but very helpful, as you can see what the chameleon is "thinking" and makes it easier to troubleshoot. I would get the white or blue option from here: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806315309280.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.2dde63edRCTE9c&algo_pvid=0aa08d75-e85e-415b-b050-e907420ec401&algo_exp_id=0aa08d75-e85e-415b-b050-e907420ec401-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%212.29%211.28%21%21%2116.59%219.29%21%402101effb17384557595815373e3653%2112000037447041135%21sea%21US%216242698492%21X&curPageLogUid=bPQbrYHWEtJC&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
(pay attention to where the gnd, vcc, and other pins on the screen are since that will modify the pinout a bit)
5) Dupont Cables. You can use these to connect things like the OLED and 3Dclippy servo to the Arduino. These are some of the easiest and cheapest things to get. I would 3 sets, F-F, M-F, and M-M. get the 40cm option and 20 pins.
6) Higher AMP power supply. You chose the 1 amp option, well I would get the 2 amp option. electronic will only take the amount of amps they need, and having extra won't fry it. I would get the 2 amp in case some electronics need it like a servo connected to the CNC shield.
If you need help with the CNC shield setup, just make another thread and I will be there to help!