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Tuning Guidance Needed
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Trent B.
Jun 08, 2024
This is the original code generated before I made any changes. The distance from the extruder gears to 25mm past the top of the "Y" is about 225-230mm. I think I rounded up to 8 seconds, instead of 7 seconds. 230/32=6.764 seconds. Will go to 6 seconds and try that. ; Auto generated 3D Chameleon Mk4 Mode 3 Tool Change GCode for PrusaSlicer ; - 3D Chameleon Mk4 Tool T{next_extruder} - ;begin switch from extruder {previous_extruder} to extruder #{next_extruder} M117 Unloading Tool T[previous_extruder] M83 ; turn relative distances for the extruder ; unload extruder {previous_extruder} G92 E0 ; go to holding position to unload the stock extruder G0 Y376.4 F2000 ; <<----- EDIT THIS LINE TO SET THE INITIAL LOCATION OF THE BUTTON ; if this is the first load, then don't unload G91 ; move to relative mode M83 ; load extruder #{next_extruder} M117 Loading Tool T{next_extruder} {if previous_extruder>-1} ; back out the filament for cutting G0 E-20 F500 ; retract a bit, adjust this to tune waste ; <<<< insert mechanical cutter code here! >>>> ;<<< Start Of Tip Shaping- Remove If No Cutter! >>> M109 R180; cool down to prevent swelling M302 S0 ; enable cold extrusion M106 S255 G0 E20 F1500 ; G0 E-5 F500 ; M109 R165; cool down to prevent swelling G0 E5 F1500 ; G0 E-1 F500 ; M109 R155; cool down to prevent swelling G0 E1 F1500 ; G0 E-25 F500 ; M109 R150; cool down to prevent swelling G0 E24 F1500 ; last tip dip with cold tip G0 E-24 ; last tip dip with cold tip M109 R180; ok... go back up in temp so we can move the extruder G0 E-80 F500 ; back out of the extruder G92 E0 M104 S[temperature]; ;<<< End Of Tip Shaping >>> ; we skipped to here if it was extruder -1 {endif} {if previous_extruder>-1} ; retract it back out of the extruder G92 E0 G0 E-0 F2000 G92 E0 G0 E-30 F2000 ; <<<---- if mechanical cutter, change to a positive value of at least 5mm G92 E0 ; ok - out of extruder - press button to remove it all the way G91 ; move to relative mode M82 ; we skipped to here if it was extruder -1 {endif} ; press the button to select the new extruder G0 Y3 F2000 {if next_extruder==0} G4 P500 ; dwell for .5 seconds - adjust this to match your machines single pulse time {endif} {if next_extruder==1} G4 P1000 ; dwell for 1.0 seconds - adjust this to match your machines two pulse time {endif} {if next_extruder==2} G4 P1500 ; dwell for 1.5 seconds - adjust this to match your machines three pulse time {endif} {if next_extruder==3} G4 P2000 ; dwell for 2.0 seconds - adjust this to match your machines four pulse time {endif} G0 Y-3 G4 P2000 ; wait for cutter to work ; ok command selected - back out filament if needed after cut {if previous_extruder>-1} G0 Y3 F2000 ; G4 P8000 ; G0 Y-3; G4 P400 {endif} G0 Y3 F2000 ; G4 P8000 ; G0 E25 F1500; <<<--- adjust this E value to tune extruder loading G0 Y-3; G4 P400 G92 E0 G90 ; move back to absolute mode M83 ; but make sure the extruder stays in relative ; reload filament all the way into extruder G92 E0 G0 E-25 F2000 ; <<<<<----------- EDIT THIS DISTANCE TO FINE TUNE THE FILAMENT LOADING TO STOP BLOBBING OR UNDEREXTRUSION G92 E0 M83 ; turn relative distances for the extruder M302 S180 ; prevent cold extrusion M117 3D Chameleon Tool T{next_extruder}
Tuning Guidance Needed
In Support
Trent B.
Jun 07, 2024
Been out of town for a few days, thanks for the input. Haven't yet had a moment to revisit this, but hope to get back to it in the next day or so. In the meantime, here is the current gcode, which I've made notes in for myself, but haven't tested some of my changes yet: ; Auto generated 3D Chameleon Mk4 Mode 3 Tool Change GCode for PrusaSlicer ; - 3D Chameleon Mk4 Tool T{next_extruder} - ;begin switch from extruder {previous_extruder} to extruder #{next_extruder} M117 Unloading Tool T[previous_extruder] M83 ; turn relative distances for the extruder ; unload extruder {previous_extruder} G92 E0 ; go to holding position to unload the stock extruder G0 Y376.4 F2000 ; <<----- EDIT THIS LINE TO SET THE INITIAL LOCATION OF THE BUTTON ; if this is the first load, then don't unload G91 ; move to relative mode M83 ; load extruder #{next_extruder} M117 Loading Tool T{next_extruder} {if previous_extruder>-1} ; back out the filament for cutting G0 E-20 F500 ; retract a bit, adjust this to tune waste ; <<<< insert mechanical cutter code here! >>>> ;<<< Start Of Tip Shaping- Remove If No Cutter! >>> M109 R180; cool down to prevent swelling M302 S0 ; enable cold extrusion M106 S255 G0 E20 F1500 ; G0 E-5 F500 ; M109 R165; cool down to prevent swelling G0 E5 F1500 ; G0 E-1 F500 ; M109 R155; cool down to prevent swelling G0 E1 F1500 ; G0 E-25 F500 ; M109 R150; cool down to prevent swelling G0 E24 F1500 ; last tip dip with cold tip G0 E-24 ; last tip dip with cold tip M109 R180; ok... go back up in temp so we can move the extruder G0 E-30 F500 ; back out of the extruder (was at 80, changed to 55, 30) G92 E0 M104 S[temperature]; ;<<< End Of Tip Shaping >>> ; we skipped to here if it was extruder -1 {endif} {if previous_extruder>-1} ; retract it back out of the extruder G92 E0 G0 E-0 F2000 G92 E0 G0 E-30 F2000 ; <<<---- if mechanical cutter, change to a positive value of at least 5mm G92 E0 ; ok - out of extruder - press button to remove it all the way G91 ; move to relative mode M82 ; we skipped to here if it was extruder -1 {endif} ; press the button to select the new extruder G0 Y3 F2000 {if next_extruder==0} G4 P500 ; dwell for .5 seconds - adjust this to match your machines single pulse time {endif} {if next_extruder==1} G4 P1000 ; dwell for 1.0 seconds - adjust this to match your machines two pulse time {endif} {if next_extruder==2} G4 P1500 ; dwell for 1.5 seconds - adjust this to match your machines three pulse time {endif} {if next_extruder==3} G4 P2000 ; dwell for 2.0 seconds - adjust this to match your machines four pulse time {endif} G0 Y-3 G4 P2000 ; wait for cutter to work ; ok command selected - back out filament if needed after cut {if previous_extruder>-1} G0 Y3 F2000 ; G4 P5000 ; <<<- was 8000, adjusted to 5000 (5 secs.) G0 Y-3; G4 P400 {endif} G0 Y3 F2000 ; G4 P7800 ; <<< --assuming this is loading seconds, with extruder loading following... G0 E50 F1500; <<<--- adjust this E value to tune extruder loading - start 50, edit to 55, 60, back to 50 G0 Y-3; G4 P400 G92 E0 G90 ; move back to absolute mode M83 ; but make sure the extruder stays in relative ; reload filament all the way into extruder G92 E0 G0 E-5 F2000 ; <<<<<----------- EDIT THIS DISTANCE TO FINE TUNE THE FILAMENT LOADING TO STOP BLOBBING OR UNDEREXTRUSION (started at 25, edit to 30,5) G92 E0 M83 ; turn relative distances for the extruder M302 S180 ; prevent cold extrusion M117 3D Chameleon Tool T{next_extruder} ;Print prime line on first print {if previous_extruder==-1} ; Prime line up/down Y axis G0 X10 Y280 Z0.2 F1000 G0 Y0 E50; G0 X9; G0 Y280 E50; G4 P2000 {endif}
Servo Horns
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Mk4 Updates (round #1)
In Getting Started

Trent B.

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