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Forum Posts

Ryan Skinner
Aug 07, 2022
In Support
I just uploaded the profile I have been using to Printables for anyone interested. I was able to get it to use the MK3 filament run out sensor to detect a failed load. It's not perfect though. Please read the printables description and maybe you can help with the couple issues I still have.
Ryan Skinner
Feb 20, 2022
In Your 3D Chameleon Creations
After a few months (on and off) of trying to get the Chameleon to work just right I am finally seeing some success. These are my first prints off of it. They are some puzzle pieces of an area near Waterton Lakes National Park. I really wanted the Chameleon to color in the Alpine Lakes that I couldn't do with simple color changes. Thanks for all the help Bill!
Mountain Puzzle Pieces - Got it working! content media
Ryan Skinner
Oct 30, 2021
In Support
I have had my Chameleon MK2 for about a week and about 75% of the time I can get it to load and unload just fine but without fail on every print I have at least one filament tip get stuck in the y-splitter. I have changed the hotend PTFE to the 1.8mm size and tried lowering the temperature to about 190 but still get the odd blob. I am using the generated gcode from the website. Has anyone modified the tip shaping gcode to work better with the MK3S? Thanks!

Ryan Skinner

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