If you're using a printer with multiple physical extruders, there is an issue with the latest version of PrusaSlicer in that they're no adding a Tool (T{extuder}) command AFTER the tool change gcode is inserted. The issue is that our code is changing it to the selected code in our Tool Change, and they're then overriding it. There doesn't appear to be a way around it in their settings, so I wrote this little post processor that switches all T{extruder} commands back to T0. (If you have the 3D Chameleon on another extruder, simply edit the code to replace the T0 with your specific extruder number.) Attached is the code... simply use the following post processor command to run it: "C:/Program Files/Python38/python.exe" C:\Users\Username\Desktop\T0Only.py Be sure to replace the Username with your correct username, and use the correct location for your installation of Python.
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