Bill Steele said this would be available late May-June. It would take alot of the problems out of getting the thing setup. Please, can we push for this?
By my understanding it connects to the bus like how the screen dose but I’m not understanding how we would run the screen and the motor sensor ,I fiddled around and hooked the encoder up to the bus but didn’t have no luck but I’m sure there’s more to it then what I done,maybe soon he releases it..
The next update to the MK4 firmware should include the code to support I2C multiplexor, motor sensor and a/d interface for filament runout sensors. Until then, we have to wait for those features.
By my understanding it connects to the bus like how the screen dose but I’m not understanding how we would run the screen and the motor sensor ,I fiddled around and hooked the encoder up to the bus but didn’t have no luck but I’m sure there’s more to it then what I done,maybe soon he releases it..