I'm just testing the item just in the video '3D Chameleon Mk2, Mk3 and Mk4 Basic Installation'.
With the OLED attached I can see the right commando's send to the 3DChameleon.
T0 and T1 - no problem.
T2 and T3 - filament does not comming out from the Y-end.
While holding the key and the motor is running/turning the filament moves yerky and get stucked into the tube.
How can I solve this ???
Hello. I homed the device of courses first with the 7 pulses.
Problem seems to be resolved. I have straigthen the tubes now (by force :) )
When the tubes are to twisted the nema17 has to few force to push the filament to the end.
Can you post a video of what you're seeing? Also, can you confirm that you're homing it first with 7 pulses?