Hi, I'm trying to build a cutter with servo mounted on X axis motor triggered by 3D Chameleon. I try to keep printhead as light as possible. But I see servo is being turned by about 30 or 40 degrees. If it could be turned by 90 degrees it could solve my problem. Please!

@topchiyev That design looks like it might be a good start for my setup. Would you mind sharing the file? I am going to build a setup that works for the older style Micro Swiss direct extruder. It has about a 1 inch open gap between the extruder the the top of the cooling block so I need a narrow setup. I'd be grateful. Thank you.
One of the new features I am working on is the ability to tune the angle it cuts. However, it's not ready just yet. It will support any angle and either direction. The first Phase of that is done with the 4 versions for 180 and 270 degree servos. If you use the 180 code on a 270 degree servo, it will actually move about 65 degrees. And there are two versions of it, normal and reversed.