I waited too long to buy a chameleon, so now I am building one myself for my Ankermake M5C.
I have seen another person do it on this printer, but they did not say some important details, like what they did for the custom code to hit the switch and how they mounted the switch.
As for the CNC Shield, I got a v4 (the one that uses an arduino nano) so I could setup the chameleon with the other parts. I haven't used an arduino that much, and need some big help figuring it out (changing the pins in the arduino sketch)
Here are some additional questions:
-Does the work well with the M5C at all?
-Do you need GRBL on the arduino before adding the chameleon firmware?
-I have a limit switch that has 3 pins out. The CNC Shield only has 2 pins for a limit switch. How do I connect it?
-Where do I find what pins are where, what numbers they are, and where to put them in the firmware?
-Are there any good tutorial on how to set this up with the Shield v4? (I do know how to assemble the chameleon, thanks to the video from Chris Riley)
-For anyone who has set this up with the v4, can you attach images and say on how you did it?
-Once I have it set up, is the purge tower something that PrusaSlicer incorporates automatically? Or do I have to code it in myself.
I know this is a lot, I am sorry for that. I am only asking for this because this is the only (affordable) way to get multicolor printing on the M5C. After I get everything ready and working, I will try to make a full length tutorial on how to set it up the simplest way.
As I said earlier, sorry for this being a big amount of questions. I will appreciate the help.
I had slightly different pin requirements, I'm using the v4 nano (and a v3 uno), except it's the HW-702 v0.0.0, and in addition to fixing the microstep jumpers to 5V instead of ground, I had to alter the step/direction pins to accommodate the differences according to this info: https://www.instructables.com/Fix-Cloned-Arduino-NANO-CNC-Shield/#:~:text=Lines%2047%2C48%20%26%2049-,need%20replacing%20with,-%3A
My changes are here (also includes optional serial prints for display-less diagnostics)
I have it working (in breadboard mode) with a CNC V4. Pins for my V4 are in the image below.
Micro steps will depend on jumpers on the V4. Had an issue with the steppers and how they are wired with the flat cable that came with them. Had to swap some pins. Easy to check what pairs to use by shorting stepper pins together to find the ones that cause the stepper to 'turn hard' by hand. direction can be changed by swapping the connector on the board around.
No on GRBL. You will overwrite what might be on the nano.
the code above has the switch connected to A3 (and ground) I had a 3 wire patch cable connected to the switch and use 2 of the connectors to connect to the V4.
be aware V4 boards are not all the same. I ended up with this one
Free Shipping! New! Keyestudio Cnc Shield V4 +3pcs A4988 Driver+ Nano Ch340 For Arduino Cnc - Integrated Circuits - AliExpress
I'll get some pics later.
For the first question, I meant "Does the chameleon work well with the M5C at all?"