So I have a machine that I very much customized. I Orginally had a dual extruder setup Single nozzle. Each extrduer uses its own motor and dirver. I added the 3dChamaleon and I replaced one of the extruder motors and used the advanced setup to control extruding. I am basically looking for a 4 color on one extruder and 1 color on the other.
This works fine if I disconnect the second extruder motor and only use the 4 colors. If I use the second motor it becomes the T1 extruder and and I can't seem to get the 5th color to work. Whether is the second color on the Chamelon or the only color on the second extruder.
Ideally I want T0, T1, T2 and T3 on the first extrduer adn T4 on the second extrduer
I am sure there is something in Marlin or Slicer that I am missing but I can't quite seem to figure it out.
Any thoughts on what I should be looking at?
Thank you so much Bill, I figured you'd have an idea on what I should try and do.
I do have another question sort of. Its about the Advanced option tool change scripts.
First, I am a mechancial engineer, So I can't be much further away from a software coding guy. I truly suck at it.
I've watch the this video many times and mimiced your code for how to handle the color changes. At about minute 16 you walk through the code and explain what its doing.
What I've noticed in that where the "; - 3DC Process Tool T{next_extruder} -" for the reverse drive python script for extruder 3 and 4 would only work for loading and unload, but none of the tip shaping and forging and some of the loading, Should it be located higher up on the script?
I noticed its always commented out, is that correct or should the ";" be removed.
I'v also noticed that the python script does not match the text in the script, its missing the T, I updated the python script in the "ignore and flip extruder" section of the python script:
'- 3DC Process Tool 0 -'
'- 3DC Process Tool T0 -'
Well, we don't issue T commands at all in our code. So whatever you want the extruders to respond to in the tool change gcode, you can. Right now, our code is only looking for T0-T3... you can easily look for T4 and then have that emit the T1 for the printer's firmware to understand it's the second physical extruder... and emit T0 in the gcode for all the rest. Something like:
; process all of our T0 tool change here {if next_extruder<4}
; put all of our tool change gcode in here!!!
T0 {endif}
; process physical T1 here
{if next_extruder>3}
Then you assign the tools in your build plate... just add the 5th color to it and it should ignore it in our tool change gcode, since it's only looking for our extruders. You will need to make sure the unload doesn't happen at the start... so wrap everything with this block so it doesn't execute any of our code at all. Since we don't use or emit the T commands, this should work without issue. Just be aware, if your start and end gcode is loading/unloading the extruder, then you'll need to make sure they have the T0 in it to make sure it's the one activated.