I am attempting to install Clippy on an Ender Max so a little prelimanary explanation before the question may be helpful. I am printing the Ender V2 version to get a better understanding and to see how that will fit on the Max but I am thinking it will have to be a hybrid of the SV06 and the V2. The X carriage mount holds the hot end assembly much lower in relation to the topside of the mount. In the video for the SV06 it looks like a Max version would have to bolt differently on the Max. The V2 clippy can lay flat closer to the top of the hotend housing. I think it's best with clippy closer to the top of the hotend so less has to be purged.
Here's the question: When you don't use the machines extruder do you just retract 10 mm then cut? Would you pull the filament back ten m
I thought it was easier with Clippy and not having to do the shaping. I haven't printed yet but I had it moving and changing. I'll try as you suggest. Where is the K1 code?
Well the above isn't going to work for me unless I go back to mounting the extruder where it originally was on the printer. I had an orbiter V2 on it and that worked awesome, I hate to go back. I'm rethinking putting this on the Max altogether now. I really think that Clippy is the way to go so have to decide.
Yep... it might be better to be a hybrid. I haven't tried it on that machine yet, but it's alsp pretty easy to adapt our generic one, which doesn't have the mounts already. Seems that it could easily mount to those two screws holding the fan cover on. Just redesign the cutting lever to be a little higher to clear that bend over the top. As for your last statement... you will retract the filament so that 10mm is below the cutter... so measure that distance between the cutter and the nozzle, subtract 10, and use that to retract it before cutting. That'll minimize the purge you have, while also eliminating any potential tip issues. When you say, " When you don't use the machines extruder", that almost sounds like you are tackling Mode 1... that his highly, highly not recommended. It's best to use Mode 2 or 3, that way you can utilize your current printing profiles, and don't potentially lose any capabilities to print without the 3DChameleon. Setting up Mode 1 is very difficult.