I'm very interested in purchasing a 3D Chameleon - but my printer already has 2 extruders (IDEX), so T0 and T1 are already used by the firmware & slicer. I have Simplify 3D, but have recently switched to Cura, as S3D hasn't been doing much to earn my business lately.
After reviewing the GCode generator lines for Cura, I think I understand that all I would need to do is bump the T# up by one for each. So T0 would remain the same (assuming the 3D Chameleon is on the physical E1) but, because T1 is already "reserved" for the physical E2 in the firmware - T1 would become T2; T2 would be T3; and T3 would become T4 - for a total of T0 - T5.
Also - while poking around the forums I found references to Titan Extruders (which my IDEX has), and reference in the FAQ to an alternate "Advanced Extruder Replacement" installation method documented here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaWiYqWP_s4&list=PLs1jpNL7rg78Bm6cDAC4JwaUNlpFa6UEf - but this link doesn't work.
I just want to confirm that I have this right before ordering.
Ok - thanks for the honest insight. I've ordered a BMG extruder to see if I can fit it to the E2 on the printer. If that works, then I'll be back here to order a Chameleon.