Hello everyone,
i'm interested about 3d chameleon on prusa Mini+, not so much for multicolor printing, but to print with two material, like PETG (and others) end Polysupport for the supports; in some cases, if possible, with mor than 2 materials (i.e. flex and PETG).
Is it possible? How does it work with very different temperature between materials?
There is a video about work on mini+, in general?
Hey Bill I am having a Really hard time assembling this prusa mini with the 3d chameleon. I am running into a couple of problems. I am using the ziptied version. You said that the original mounting hardware stays I printed your 3d stl file and it gave me 5 seperate components. The first part seems to be the part that is original on the prusa to interface with the two rods and the z axis screw rod. Same as original. "part A" The second piece seems to have 2 mounting holes that slot right in place to then screw into "part A" but the original prusa screws are too long, since you mentioned that it uses the original hardware (2:55 (3) 3D Chameleon Mk3 on the Prusa Mini - YouTube) it leads me to believe that I am assembling this incorrectly. From there, it is not clear how the 3d chameleon will bolt up to the prusa so im not sure how to move forward.
There is no video of the installation, but there is a video overview of it. The Printables page also has the instructions, and there are a couple of videos of it printing on YouTube. https://www.printables.com/model/48846-3d-chameleon-mk3-prusa-mini-mounts and
Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdfgv_ZD5cM
Long TopoUSFLag Print: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju6mbDua8t0&t=65s&pp=ygUWM2RjaGFtZWxlb24gcHJ1c2EgbWluaQ%3D%3D
VERRF Logo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d33vuQChqYg&pp=ygUWM2RjaGFtZWxlb24gcHJ1c2EgbWluaQ%3D%3D
The 3DChameleon doesn't add or remove any filament capability to your existing extruder/hotend combination... so if your printer can use those materials today, then it will still be able to use them
The slicer is responsible for the purging and changing the temperatures between materials, and each material is already defined with a set temperature range. PrusaSlicer automatically handles that transition for you. With that said, some materials are incompatible with others when molten, so it's best to keep to materials within the same approximate range.